Specials, genuine eye-catchers!

The specials among the EasyFix models are the real eye-catchers! Curved, waved or in any other special shape; nothing is impossible! Even the EasyFix Smart display can be used in many different ways, so you can optimally promote and display your product.

Strikingly crisp

Do you want to create that little extra attention or ambiance which can be considered really distinctive? If so, use our specials!

The EasyFix frame with built-in display

The 40 inch built-in display is suitable for plugging in things like an Apple TV or you can play a company film from a USB stick. Multiple possibilities!


The Easy Fix frame provides many options on top of the standard versions. It’s possible, for example, to add extra frames, when using the right accessories. Change the visuals fast and easily with a standard background or changing background and with a clear message for campaigns, for instance.





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